Enrique Iglesias

2007/12/20 00:09



(Let me be your hero)    (讓我當你的英雄吧)

Would you dance      當我邀請妳跳舞時
If I asked you to dance?  妳是否欣然應許?
Would you run       當妳奔跑時
And never look back?   是否頭也不回?
Would you cry      當妳目賭我哭泣時
If you saw me crying?  是否也會感到心酸?
And would you save my soul, tonight? 今晚妳是否願意拯救我的靈魂?

Would you tremble 當我輕觸妳的雙唇
If I touched your lips? 妳是否會顫抖不已?
Would you laugh? 妳會展顏歡笑嗎?
Oh please tell me this. 請告訴我 妳會的
Now would you die 妳是否願意為妳所愛的人
For the one you loved? 付出生命在所不惜?
Hold me in your arms, tonight.今晚將我輕擁妳懷裡吧

I can be your hero, baby. 寶貝 我能成為妳的英雄
I can kiss away the pain.我將以吻來清除妳所有痛苦
I will stand by you forever. 我將永遠站在妳身邊
You can take my breath away.妳可以帶走我所有氣息

Would you swear 妳會起誓 
that you'll always be mine? 妳永遠都是我的人嗎?
Or would you lie? 或者 妳會撒謊?
would you run and hide? 妳會逃跑且躲藏起來嗎?
Am I in too deep? 我是否陷入情網太深?
Have I lost my mind? 還是我已喪失心智?
I don't care...  我不管了 
You're here tonight. 今晚妳就在此

I can be your hero, baby.寶貝 我能成為妳的英雄
I can kiss away the pain.我將以吻來清除妳所有痛苦
I will stand by you forever.我將永遠站在妳身邊
You can take my breath away.妳可以帶走我所有氣息

Oh, I just want to hold you.喔 我只想這樣擁著妳
I just want to hold you.我只想這樣擁妳入懷
Am I in too deep? 我是否陷入情網太深?
Have I lost my mind? 還是我已喪失心智?
Well I don't care... 我不管了
You're here tonight. 今晚妳就在此

I can be your hero, baby.寶貝 我能成為妳的英雄
I can kiss away the pain.我將以吻來清除所有痛苦
I will stand by you forever.我將永遠站在妳身邊
You can take my breath away.妳可以帶走我所有氣息
I can be your hero. 我能成為妳的英雄
I can kiss away the pain.我將以吻來清除妳所有痛苦
And I will stand by you forever.我將永遠站在妳身邊
You can take my breath away.妳可以帶走我所有氣息
You can take my breath away.妳可以帶走我所有氣息

I can be your hero. 讓我當你的英雄吧

take the breath away,嗯 通常是形容這樣的情況:
看到一個人時 興奮到連呼吸都快要停止了
所以 若是說 you take my breath away
就是指 你讓我快要喘不過氣啦



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